Training courses that might interest you
Pour les formations certifiantes :
Les formations sur les logiciels 3D visent la certification :
"RS6042 – Modélisation 3D et rendu réaliste"
Les formations sur les logiciels de compositing, de montage et motion visent la certifications :
"RS6111 – Techniques de réalisation et montage video"
Our trainers
Opinions of our former trainees
Upcoming courses
We can also schedule a date according to your availability.
Please contact us.
They trust us
We have trained some of their employees
Our partners
De 2017 à 2024 : plus de 300 formés !
Intermittents : 98% de réussite
Demandeurs d'emploi : 96% de réussite
CPF : 98% de réussite
Salariés : 99% de réussite
99% satisfaction
97% recommendation
99% certified
Who are we?
The Artwork-VFx team is made up of passionate professionals. Our aim is to pass on our know-how of this wonderful professional environment. Our trainers always work in parallel in world-renowned studios.
Our aim is to teach what we do every day. This brings a certain quality based on real professional experience.
We offer short, intensive training courses, either remotely or on our premises.
They can vary from 10 days to a maximum of 20 days.
Groups of trainees are kept small, up to 6.
We are Datadock-registered and Qualiopi-certified, so our training courses can be financed by: OPCO, Pôle-Emploi, Afdas, AGEFICE, AGEFIPH and Cap emploi.
If you have any questions or would like to request training, please contact us!
Develop your skills as professions evolve!
ARTWORK-VFX is a Qualiopi-certified training center.
We are audited to guarantee our quality standards!
- To be reassured about the professionalism of Artwork-VFx ;
- Benefit from financial support;
- Simplify and guide the training process
for their employees.
- We are certified for training courses